Need help setting up your car so it handles the way you want? Search our setup guides and tips from top drivers to get you on the right track!
The Hall Bros explore a topic rarely covered - what happens when you move the entire camber link (inside and outside positions) either up or down, or inside-outside? How does the handling change?
The Hall Bros continue their excellent video series with a thorough explainer of choosing and prepping tires for off-road 1/10 RC racing. They review compounds, pin shape, how wear affects the grip, trimming the pins, sidewall glue, and more. This one's a must-watch!
The Drake explains how to set the throttle rate control (aka throttle strength) on your ESC. His example is a Hobbywing 1/.8 speed control, but rate control applies to all modern ESCs at all scales.
The Drake continues his great series of setup tips with this explainer of anti-squat, and how to use it to tune off-road RC vehicles.
XRAY's Alex Hagberg explains how to set up your X12 '25's rear pod, and what the anti-squat or pro-squat angles will do to affect your handling.
Team Corally shared a detailed explanation of how to create clean, strong solder joints, a core skill a racers need.
Rear toe is a critical tuning tool to help lock in the rear end of your off-roader. Continuing his excellent series of setup tips, the Drake walks us through his approach to tuning with rear toe.
Yet another great explainer from the Hall Bros, this time with 10 great tips on how to improve your car's setup so it'll handle bumps better.
The Drake explains how to know when your diff needs to be rebuilt, something all off-roaders should know!
The Hall Bros provide another excellent explainer video, this time with a focus on increasing rear traction, primarily for 1/10th scale off-roaders. They go through several options and explain how each is useful on different parts of the track.